Barrisol profiles are aluminum, lightweight, and easy to install.
For your reference we have included the specs for some of the most commonly used Barrisol profiles bellow.
For your reference we have included the specs for some of the most commonly used Barrisol profiles bellow.
Wall to Wall Ceilings (or within a bulkhead)...
We recommend profile BS350/01 or BS350/11 for the perimeter of a room or bulkhead. The BS350/01 is screwed sideways into backing located in a wall or vertical bulkhead member. The BS350/11 is screwed upwards into backing located in the ceiling above.
Connecting Multiple Ceiling Membranes Together...
BS350/16 separators are used to connect to membranes together. Backing must be in place for the separators as well as the perimeter profiles.
Suspended by Aircraft Cable...
Profile BS355/06 is used for suspended ceiling membranes and 3 dimensional/sculptural elements.